Wrocław, 23.09.2016 r.
The Human Being as a separate identity
At the beginning I want to say what I often repeat, that the Reality has been versatile, multi-level, multi-dimensional and it has been taking place at different levels of the Consciousness (which are equally valid); I want to say that all the activity has its own internal logics and has been internally interrelated. So, therefore everything in this World has been meaningful. It is in constant activity, it is an energy, which thanks to the unlimited diversity has been in constant movement. Thus this thought implies the fact: there is a deep sense in any versatility, in treating each Human Being as a separate identity.
Taking up the attitude of the "Enlightened" man, and in fact becoming him in a natural way, is a process, which consists of understanding and accepting oneself, as well as of setting oneself free from one's own expectations, and from the expectations of the outside.
What does this mean?
In the form, in which the human being has existed before obtaining this state, his personality has been shaped on all the possible levels and it has been a vector between individual features, and those which has built in, imprinted in it, with a more or less conscious agreement, by the outside World. It is for this reason that man finds it so hard to accept himself. The reasons have been located in the paradigms of human activity, in the ways of experiencing and showing off the feelings, as well as in the forms of communication, which have been accepted for the reason of their providing bonds with other people, the group, the environment, but they are not one's own features, because these have been shaped in the process of self-development.
To be able to totally accept oneself, it is indispensable to free oneself from what has been a feature generated by one's own experience, which has deprived a man of his personal, unique, unrepeatable self-identity. Looking closely into oneself, trying to understand, speaking generally, why this or that particular something has taken place, in relations with the environment, the surroundings, what is its aim, what purpose can it serve in the scale of the whole life, etc. one can undergo a process of transformation. During the observation, the questions arise, and the answers along them, and the more inquisitive these questions become, and when they do not get satisfied by the following tips, one reaches the roots, the sources of the social attitudes, which appear unnecessary after unveiling, and then their natural annihilation follows, they just fall apart, stop being meaningful.
The real change is impossible, when one takes up a fight with oneself, when one is prohibiting anything to himself or obliging oneself to do anything. As the old saying goes, the rape is rape imprints.
The process of self-development has initiated the mindfulness and carefulness of the observation, inside, into oneself and outside of oneself. I have described this in a five-degree scale.
FIRST STAGE - is an understanding and noticing of the duality, as well as of all the in-between states, characteristic for the nature of things, phenomena and the standards for understanding and activity emerging thereof.
THE SECOND STAGE - this is a question "why..." (the magical word), which is being born, which can be asked both regarding the content which has reached us, and our reaction to this content. It concerns both the physical phenomena, as well as those from the psychological and spiritual sphere. These questions appear just at the very beginning, after a given fact has taken place, from time to time, more and more often along time; and eventually they begin to penetrate the sphere of the lasting fact, the occurrence, in this way also enabling to model its proceeding. This all looks in such a way as if there was not one man, but two of them. The first one taking a direct part in the process, and the second, standing at the side, and having an influence over the reactions of the first one.
THIRD STAGE - this is a a question "why...", asked for the answer to the former question "why...' - the so called penetration, in more and more deep way, into the essence of the inter-relations and mutual influences.
THE FOURTH STAGE - this is the contemplation, with many hints (answers), having a form of an open space, without the specific answer, the so called stand-stll state.
THE FIFTH STATE - this is the seeing with ones' consciousness of each individual detail set inside the whole, in the calmness of the mind; this is the seeing, during the lasting fact, i.e. the being here and now. According to my ability to understand, I call this state "Enlightenment".
With the total acceptance of ourselves, there follows setting us free from any images, conditioning and cravings, which serve building the strategy of our participation in life, and all our attention has been concentrated on here and now. This means, in turn, that we can mindfully and carefully watch ourselves, and the direct surroundings. I must add that this mindfulness and carefulness does not disrupt the spontaneous and emotional relation between the people, and rather vice versa, it additionally enriches it with the extra space, emerging between a particular occurrence, emotion and expression. The motor for any activity is a flow of energy, emerging from the versatility of beings, who mutually accept each other. Therefore, it is my personal feeling that any glorifying of the "ego" notion, from which we should be set free during the spiritual development, is improper, it forms an endangerment for unification, and therefore the endangerment of the stagnation in the individual; creative activity, which has been superior in this World.
We must learn, not with the help of any methods, but through the profound understanding of the versatility, characteristic for this World, to accept and tolerate any man, having in mind his uniqueness. We are one within the Source, but here on Earth, it is the versatility which has been inspiring, to shape the relations on still higher and higher levels of consciousness and of the life's quality. The versatility understood not as isolation, separation, but vice versa, as discovering the new forms of communication, and discovering, unveiling one another. The point has not been, after all, for us to repeat the same words, gestures, to march in the same procession, with the same slogans on the lips, especially that this has only been a manifestation of the "outside", providing an impression of the unanimity, which has been, by the way, non-existent in this World. If things look differently, if I am wrong, what contribution does this all make?
The tradition, culture, the up-bringing, the social conditioning, based on the seriousness of the father figures and values, which have already been worked out, in the process of the development of the humanity throughout ages, they all inhibit the individual development of a man, imprinting the fear of separation, inside him.
The problem is not, however, to reject them, but rather to obtain the ability to wake up the predispositions in oneself, enabling to make a step outside of them. Making use of the resources which have been located within a canon, in a selective way, they can be treated as a transition phase, for quite new qualities and forms.
What is a serious problem of our times are the promises, which have been offered in an authoritative way, the promises of solving the existential problems, and the selling of values of not sure quality, often just only dressed in beautiful words. The second factor which has been causing the feeling of getting lost and disorientation is the outgrown of information coming from all the World, in relation to the direct relationships, from the nearest surroundings.
The consecutive problem is the inability of finding oneself in the actual reality and its challenges. Not being grown up enough for encountering the possibility of shaping it, in a harmonious way, gives birth to escaping into different worlds, where it is difficult to be sure, in what degree they exist in reality, and to what extend they are the result of the projection of the Mind. Such life has suffered from a duality between the state of Mind and the realism, based upon the natural senses, in which every man has been equipped. Therefore, many pictures have been created and are still created, which depict the so called "other words", which have been an escape into these worlds and they make up a perspective, that one day, it will be possible to obtain full happiness after entering them.
It is hard to accept the versatility in another man. On the other hand, everybody wants to live in the freedom of self-determination. Therefore, the new quality is versatility, understood not as rivalry, because with the profound knowledge and acceptance of oneself, it just does not occur, but it is an inspiration for one's own activity, development and creative expression in the communication with another man.
A man is the unique, unrepeatable being. Things have been given to him this way. It has been just on this level, that together with the growing consciousness, the new World will be born, this is what I think.
I understand the inter-human communication with the world of Nature as superior to any activity.
The real, authentic creative activity becomes possible, when a man obtains the self-consciousness, as the unique, unrepeatable being. Thanks to that his activity starts to be based upon the mutual inspiration, in both directions and it has been shaping new values. It is then, when a moment comes up to realize one's habits, customs, imprinted activity programs, and then the process of setting oneself free from them has been initiated.
However, the Man must answer these and other questions himself. One thing is sure: nobody else will take up his way through life, and if he chooses someone else's way, than he may later regret it. The ready-made paradigms carry a lot of dangers with themselves, because there is no something like the "universal knowledge" on the Earth's plan, neither "the one solution". If anybody claims so, he lies.
However, there exists a possibility of common exploration, free from father figures and schemata, when we treat one another as equal. Such a way has been a challenge, so that by not building the images, not hurrying, in a team, we can shape a new reality and simultaneously be fully ourselves. This has been the basis of the difference between the self-development in isolation and participation with other people. The only thing which is necessary, is the internal awakening.
Where this way leads?
This is the unknown. This is an adventure, in which when we ascend upon the consciousness steps, higher and higher, then slowly we can see and understand more and more deeply, the whole created World, consistent in itself, unlimited, diversified, full of internal dynamics. Going further, experiencing it all directly, one will probably may reach the energetic predispositions, which have always dreamt in each man. They will be displayed in a natural way, not as a demonstration, or doing anything for the show's sake, in an instrumental way. They will emerge as the new possibilities, when they will be necessary, not because of the intellect, but out of the need of a given moment, the state of the Source's consciousness.
Author: Leszek Wieliczko
Translated by: Agnieszka Zell
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