Monday, 13 May 2013

Internal Dialogue

                                                                                                Wójtówka, 06 May, 2013

        It has been, now, 3 years since writing the text „Credo”. The „Credo” time was a moment, crowning a long period of personal quest and personal experience, with their aim to come closer to understanding of basic questions on the Sense of Beginning and Sense of Existence. I had, then, tried to delineate my own picture of understanding of things. Alas, not all was clear then, as I had many doubts and some of them still remain. However, I had a conviction that there exists the unquestionable need to precisely formulate these things and to make up precise borders, as to some phenomena. Today, I want to get back to those thoughts and add some new impressions. Let it be an internal dialogue.

        - Who is God?

        He was given a lot of names: like God, Yahweh, Brahma, Allah, the Source, the Reason of All Things, Alpha & Omega, as well as still many others.

        - Who is He then?

        This is what nobody knows. All thought construction has ever remained only an Echo of who He is. I shall make, now, a step backwards to the Non-Being moment, i.e. to this very state: „from Before” (a while before the Before) – when all things started. The No-Being is a concept outreaching imagination. In the Non-Being there is Nothing: no Space, no Time, no any kind of Place; there is only Him. He is, and He is not; He is being and He is not being – as He is not, at this stage, even the smallest particle of Matter, nor of Energy, nor any other Force or Field, which started their existance later. What there „exists” at the stage of Not-Being, is not even a single Thought or Intelligence, or Logics – that always need a „medium” to pass them them somewhere. But now, at the moment when He creates, He is All, He is each Particle, which emerges from Nothingness, born from Nothingness (that is – born from Himself). He is the Time and Space of this Nothingness and still He is many other dimensions of which you do not know much in fact. Nothing what has become to exist, can be outside of Him. He is Everything. He is All. Therefore, the Expanding Universe is Him, in fact. If He was limited, He would have His borders, and each border enforces the existance of something behind „the other side”. So this way, the Expanding Universe is constantly being created. It is a living organism.

        When a Man falls into a deep Steep, that is into this very part of sleep, when there are no dreams, then he „does not know” that he exists. And – if in this state his body was cut off from him, he would still not know it – if he „is” or if he „is not”. The phenomenon of  being woken up from the state of Non-Being, the state of „God’s Dream”, is occuring every time when you get up in the morning, waking into a state of Consciousness – of being Here and Now. The difference is that your Mind keeps remembering, who you are.

        - OK., then who is Me? Who is Myself?

        You are God. It is Him who creates Himself, into unlimited forms.

        - Then, how this can be? I do not exist then? So what is the aim of all this?

        God has created you and you are – in all your complexity – Him. He has limited Himself to the level of 5 senses, that make you able to perceive the Reality, the one around you. He has also limited His Mind, however in such a way that you could recognize yourself and call yourself  by name. Because – if you had no name, then you would have no aim in life, in fact. You would be lost. God could – theoretically – „Line” his aim in you Himself, delineate it – in advance. However, then you would be like grass, or any other creature, just living in a particular scheme of existence (scheme of creation). If He, in turn, had not limited Himself in any aspect, He would then have nothing to experience, as He is unlimited, endless and there is no thing that He would not know. At the Stage of Creation, where you are now, apart of the basic life functions, you are operating with aid of  Emotional States – in conscious way. The feelings, their nuances, sensitivity and oversensitivity are your own features, that are taking up particular shapes inside of you, and it is at every moment of life, that their cause emanating from you of a non-repeatable impulse, resulting from the moment of Here & Now. This is them, which are so important for Him. There are also other equally important spheres, like analytical thinking, talents, unique capabilities, and even the reversal of sex roles, as well as many others. Everything is important to Him.

        Today, thanks to the development of your Mind, you know that you are an Uniquely organized Energy, which emanates and inhales, takes in. This process is starting from the smallest particie of the so called Matter, once appearing in form of Vibrating String, which brings with itself a huge potential of Information, ingerent in the very way of vibrating impulses, being constantly in the everlasting movement; all this, to take up – in just a moment – a Wave Form, inhaling and giving away the Energy Quantums, that are themselves an Electromagnetic Wave. That Wave, finally, is also bringing, with itself, the Record of Multiple Information. And in the end, we come to direct transfer, the transfer that is instant, out of Time. You are now aware also of it. There is no Distance and no Time inside this transfer. From the point of view of your Mind, through Him, you get a tiny light of insight into who you really are.

        This is how the Universe is built, with all its Spaces in Microscale, and in Macroscale – just to obtain a possibility of not blurred, perfetly flowing Information Passage, and not only – i.e. all Universe. My intent here is not to analyze details of interrelations and dependencies on each level of the Universe’s construction, as all this you already know, thanks to modern Science. However, please be conscious, that all this is in constant movement, all this is Energy, it has been alive in its own way, it takes in Information, analyzes it, and shares it. So it also feels all – both what you normally perceive as alive but also each stone, rock, planets, stars and galaxies…

        - This  has managed to order my knowledge a bit. But please tell me – how things look with Me? Myself?

        You are who you are. What you have gained as knowledge here – does not bring any change in fact. He unfolds it to Himself. Therefore, now you know. The chance that you know it, is also His intent for Himself. All what humanity has ever created since the beginning of Times, is His own Research and Experiencing of Reality, which is ever This Reality, and not the Other. This is, then, this very Reality – made by Himself. The aim of this is – among others – to experience Feelings. Besides, please be aware that your Fate is in His hands, as your Fate is His Fate. This is why people in this World differ so much – one from another. If you are not predestined for something, then no matter how much you „complain” about it, how much you „cry” – you will fail anyway to get it. You will not get a thing for which you had not been predestined. And then, just know, this is His Plan for Him, in you. The „Me” („Myself”) is an illussion.  „I” („Me”) has never existed. This is a phantom creation of your Consciousness. But you must use it.

        You are not your Consciousness, but you also should not throw it away. You have been – all the time – shaping Reality. It is yours but it is not you. There is also no Feeling equal to another Feeling – each is unique, specific for itself and it always has something in it – the something that is – for God – a living happening Reality, the State of this very Moment, the Experierncing of Oneself by Oneself.

        - I feel a bit lost. So how should I live, then?

        Live just as you have lived before. Maybe now, when you know all this – you can try to live much more consciously. You can watch life around and in yourself, and – taking part in it – you can notice the smallest, most tiny elements of States, that you face. The development of your Consciousness is His Plan and He slowly opens this Consciousness in Himself, through you. Maybe this is His way backwards to Himself.

        - I think of  all you say – somewhere very deep in myself… I shall have some questions that have emerged in the meantime. Are there any other Universes?

        Does it really matter? Does it have any importance, in fact? Whatever else there is, it will always be Him who lasts forever. There will come time for you to get to know more. Anyway, some signals already reach you. His Creation Plan is perfect.

        - And then, what about churches, other denominations, secret knowledge?

        It really surprises me, that you still have this kind of questions. The Humanity that has been created by Himself, is versatile, complex, and it occupies place of many levels of Consciousness. Therefore, the Way Back, as still one more step of His Plan (the Plan which is longing to become a Wholeness of Oneself-Himself) has created just these particular needs of Man. They are just needs, of the a/m different Consciousness levels. However, also in this respect, if you look closer, you will see that this Way is not straight and not direct, not directly leading to its aim.

        - So, who should I follow, here on Earth, whom to hear, whom should I join, or share forces with?

        Be who you are. Keep going along the Way, which you are already going. Do not look to others. He is leading you all the time, because this is His experience, as it is Him – Himself. All Ways have equal importance to Him. Also – your Way. When you talk to another Man, be aware, that it is Himself who talks to you – He just talks in and within different experience, different stage of experience in life. What you have in your Consciousness is just a vague Picture, who you really are, where are you from, and how long you will stay here on Earth. You and Him. So – you are Eternal. When you go back, as his Particle – to Himself – you will understand all, as this „all” is inside you;  however now - limited by Him.

        - One can say – God plays with Himself.

        This has no importance, whatsoever. This does not matter.

        What there „is”, what „exists” – is a Majestic Act of activity. This is His love for any separate element, particle of Himself and longing for Wholeness in Oneself (Himself).

        - I understand it now.

May 2013

Author: Leszek Wieliczko

                                                                                                 Translated by: Agnieszka Zell


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