Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Saturday, 1 November 2014
God and Universe
Wójtówka (Poland), 19 October 2014
God and Universe
One of the ways of understanding
if these concepts,
on the basis of private
(the Contemplation continued)
I would like
to start from the General Knowledge, to which we all have access, today,
This General Knowledge is the result of what Science has, up today,
discovered, delimited and called. However it has been, in much degree, based
upon theories. Therefore, I will not refer to any of the Scientific branches,
or quote any concrete persons, especially any father figures and authorities.
I shall base
my deliberation only upon what has allowed me, to delimit a certain
General View, on the basis of the logical process of thinking, of my own brain,
as an unique individual. This happened thanks to the studying of various
sources. I have managed to delimit this General View, an idea, which has been
quite familiar to me. However, I am aware, that this is only One of Many
Possible Points of view, and it does not have to fit in with the Reality. The
Reality, into which nobody has so far have the real insight, or at least, I
have no knowledge of it.
before I concentrate upon what has been really important for me, I want to
stress the following: I am too well aware, how many views and ideas have been
formulated and expressed, so far! These views and ideas have been reflected in
the scientific publications, in literature and press, in the direct exchange of
thought, for example in the Internet. With the support of not too much funds,
practically everybody can now say what they think, feel, etc. The World has
been just overflown with Information. I do not postulate that this Information
has been all quite redundant. However, I am aware, that it is more and
more difficult, nowadays, to distinguish the really necessary Information. The
Information, which can be inspiring, which can serve the continued process of
the individual's Personal Development.
The Man has
ever tried to understand the Sense of Existence of All Things. He has done it
on multi levels of Consciousness. Starting from the simple observation of the
surrounding Life, the Man has created Generalizations. The things he has failed
to understand, he has located within the scope of the Highest Forces, the
mystic forces, which he has called Divine Forces. I consciously ignore here, in
this Contemplation, the periods of "Ups and Downs" of various
cultures. This has been quite a different issue; and this has been a different
issue even more, because it is hard to say, if all the Knowledge and Consciousness
have cumulated throughout history. And even if they have, the next question,
which has still remained unanswered is: how they cumulated, within the
consecutive Ages. However, let us go back to the Modern Times: there emerges
still another question: if there is, if there exists, any Separate Way of
Cognition, of Acquiring Knowledge. Apart from the Way, proposed or used, by the
modern Science. The question is, if there exists any separate Way, which can
provide, and guarantee, the "Total" Understanding, not verbal but
logical; and thus, consequently, setting a Human Being free of all the
limitations. The Way which could allow to melt into (and with) the Source, the
Cause (Reason) of all the Universe.
I shall
follow through, now, the achievements of the Modern Science. The main branches
of Science are Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mathematics
and Philosophy. They have all been based upon the analysis of the surrounding
Reality, based on the Experience. It is on the basis of the results of this
very analysis, that these Scientific branches construct the still more and more
perfect "Insight Instruments", serving to discover "the ruling
Principles of Nature".
All the
Universe is inseparably self-coherent. I.e., in other words, whatever there
exists, there has existed or will exist, has been joined, with each other, and
has remained mutually inter-dependent. The human thought, wishing to grasp all
this Wholeness, has separated all this into Systems. Therefore, we have the
Cosmos, with its diversified Planet Systems, Constellations, Galaxies,
Nebulas... Stepping to the lower level, to our Planet, Science has separated
the World of Animals, from the World of Plants, and it has "created"
Species, Races, and other divisions. Going further alongside this clue, to the
still lower levels, Science has "set up" (distinguished), within the
Human Being and in other living creatures, "the internal organs". The
Sciences have named these organs: the Heart, the Liver, the Hard structure
(bones and cartilages), etc. On the still further, consecutive level, the
Sciences speak of different kinds of tissues. Still lower - they speak of
cells, and of their structure, organelle, and further of the Proteins, and of
their basic construction material, the so called Living Matter, Science speaks
of the mutual interdependencies, which take place within the Proteins, with the
chemical aspect, abstracting all this from the deeper complexity, from some
processes taking part within them, and from some correlations. Further, Science
talks about the Physical Phenomena, with regard to which it describes the
behavior and the properties of the Matter. And finally Science makes a gigantic
jump to the scientific branch, called Quantum Physics; focusing upon the Atom
and its construction. Science has split the Atom and has reached its most tiny
elements. Science has named these elements, with the still new names, like
electrons, quarks, bosons, neuters, particles and anti-particles, like eg.
positrons. Science has been building the still new Theories, among others a
Theory of (Cosmic) Strings. However, it is important to remember that this
sphere has no longer been submitted to the direct insight. Therefore, it has
implemented the Indirect Methods (of exploration), as well as Mathematical
Science. With their help, Science has tried to describe the phenomena, which
have occurred, approaching them like Theories.
The today's Quantum Physics has told us, that the Universe
has been constructed out of Energies. And thus, anything what we perceive, with
our eyesight, i.e. the Matter, does not in fact exist, in its atomic structure.
So the Universe is not material, it is the Swirling Energy Universe, wherein
this Energy has behaved, as if it was the Matter. And so, therefore, the Matter
both animate and inanimate has been a kind of "Unique Density" of
this Energy, making an "impression" that something has its own mass
and shape.
But, let us
go to what has been, out of all this Knowledge, the conclusion for me. So I
want to stress some aspects of this Reality, of which Sciences speak. The first
conclusion which comes to my mind is that the Elementary Principles, however we
call it, have been in constant movement. They go from one state, which is
material, into a non-material state, i.e. the Wave State. They are the Energy
in Motion, in whatever form. Their movement is not chaotic, incidental. Rather,
according to my view, it has been a kind of an Information Record, enabling an
intelligent and not accidental functioning and realization of the Assumptions,
for which they have ever been set up. Therefore, I think that the consecutive
particles, which Science has so intensely tried to find, set out and define,
have ever just remained the elements of the same kind of "dance" of
quite the same particles, which Science has got to know "before".
This "dance" inheres a huge amount of Information. The free and
undisturbed way of movement, has guaranteed, for all of these particles, the
keeping of the "right" distances within the atoms. All this has been
an Intended Sense. I hereby mean the "laws" for the whole Universe,
in which these particles occur. Therefore, any particular, individual
interferences, which can happen, with an intent to disturb the Particles'
Autonomy, have not been hazardous for all the System, in which they have
existed and functioned. I also think that the coded information, on the level
of the basic particles, has not been static, once "written", but it
has been undergoing a constant actualization, which has been
"obtained" via Wave Mechanism. Additionally, as I also think, this is
being "obtained" (in Nature) via some still another way, which the
explorers have already come across. They came across it, when they made
experiments, regarding the possibility of transfer of information from one
place to another place, on even very huge distance, at the same time.
Science seems to approach too lightly the phenomena, occurring on the sub-atom
level and other levels. It approaches any movement as a tendency, an
inspiration, tending towards eliminating any potential or inter-level
differences. But this Modern Science has been unable to read, and understand,
the information, inherent in their constant movement and flow, taking place all
the time. In the Real Time, exactly where the Information Record can be its
direct cause. Let's take into account, for instance, any seed or practically
any cell, in which a genetic code has been recorded. Let us, then try to
understand, that this record inheres all the process of birth, development and
life of this particular cell, as well of the whole organism, in which this cell
has been located. Similarly as it happens inside the body of a Human Being,
with all his internal organs, which "know" when, at what moment, to initiate
the consecutive processes, how to organize themselves, to form an
inter-dependent whole. The infantile mixing of the particular compounds, the so
called chemical compounds, have luckily not been a peril for the wholeness of
the creation, which the Universe has been. This is somehow similar to the
problem of deforestation, the wasteful exploitation of the Natural Environment,
which has still remained within the margin of tolerance, thanks to the nature
of this disharmony.
But, I have
not intended to talk here, in fact, of the consequences, especially upon the
negative consequences, of certain phenomena. I shall refer, instead, to one
more idea. The Universe is built of atoms. It is puzzling that they join, with
one another, not chaotically, just anywhere, anyhow. When a particular atom is
to find its place in a particular colony, in a particular tissue, one
particular and not any other, in one or another organism, it must know it,
before this happens; and such information manages to reach the atom. Well, maybe
this information does not even have to reach the atom; maybe the atom has
"ever" already known it. The number of information, recorded in one
particular atom, has been reflected in its constant movement. It is a movement,
where the atom has been vibrating, while it has "danced", like a
magnetic wave, which carries, with itself, the Information Record, a record
which can be limitless. Besides, let's not forget, that at just every moment,
the atom, being the Elementary Principle, can take up the Wave Form, which is
free of all limitations. Does a Wave have its own "Identity"? Or is
it "replaceable" with any other Wave, or it interferes with other
Waves? We do not know this, in fact... Actually, we know very little of this. I
also want to add the following: Do we remember that the Electromagnetic Wave,
or a Magnetic Field, in order to exist, or expand, does not need, in fact, any
medium? (Or at least we cannot see it, determine its structure)? The
Human Thought has learned to generate such Wave, in an artificial way, with an
aid of inductor. But I have a question if Nature also has needed any tool, in
order to make use of the Electromagnetic Wave? And, what is even more
interesting, to penetrate, reach and code the smallest elements, of which the
Universe has been constructed.
In all this
argument, of mine, which has only been a very general draft, my aim is to make
it possible to realize, by myself and for others, that everything has been, in
fact, mutually joined. It has been "one material", the "wholeness".
It has been the human thought, unable to grasp the whole Universe, as a whole,
which has separated all this, into Systems; segregated it, losing, alongside
this process, the very consciousness of the fact that nothing in fact exists
"separately", individually, and independent of its direct
surroundings. As well as the surroundings, which constitutes "the
Wholeness". Therefore, any research, in fact, concentrated upon particular
elements, lose any sense.
Now, there
has come a time, to deliberate upon what has been proposed by the Knowledge, to
which everyone of us has had access to, and has been acquainted with it. Some
years ago, I wrote a short text, entitled: "Credo", and later
"The Internal Dialogue", which inhere references to the today's contemplation.
I shall allow myself to develop just some ideas, inherent in them. But before I
switch to them, I shall first ask still another question: Can this
"Composition" ("piece of Work"), this World, which we have
witnessed, be in any way condemned, or rejected, as not ideal, as a
"Necessary Evil", when we have all this knowledge. For whatever aim,
for sake of whatever idea should we do it? This could be done only for the sake
of our own limitation, which has been maybe intended, in order that we can move
forward and experience our further development.
So we have the Universe, which
cannot be an effect of accident, as everything points to this. In order not to
introduce new concepts, some of which have already emerged in this text, I
shall use one of the oldest and most popular. This is the word: God. I shall
make one distinction, here, referring to the Holy Scriptures. However, I shall
make this reference, only in order to save the reader the description of the
far depth, which can be hidden under this word, this concept. In the Gospel
according to John, in the prologue of the first Chapter, we find the following
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Information Record is a Thought, or an effect of Thought, which has given birth
to it. This means that what lies at the very core of things, is a thought,
idea, which has been a reason of everything, It is within these scopes that the
Man has much in common with God. Before any item or incident originates, it is
earlier a thought, imagination of this item or occurrence, which can later be
its result.
However, to
understand the concept of God, and in other words, his intent, (i.e. for what
reason "all this" exists at all), maybe it is, again, worthy of analysis,
what in fact directs Man. In his activities, efforts to reach some aim. Is the
Man's real goal to reach some particular material or other aim? Maybe whatever
is really the most important, has been inherent within the Way to this Aim? Of
which an individual may not be not fully conscious. And when Man finally
reaches this aim, he then starts to realize that it was not this aim, which was
most important, but whatever what he has experienced on the Way to this aim.
I.e. the fact of "happening", "occurring", activity. In
other words: the fact of emotional "lift-up" has played here, some
important role. Another example: let's imagine a meadow, with quite many
flowers. As I pass it, one of them drags my particular attention. I stop and
get charmed by its looks.
Before this
takes place, I have not made any selection of the remaining flowers, according
to any criteria. I have just noted this one, disregarding of the fact, how it
looks, in relation to other flowers. But it was this one, which has charmed me.
What has been most important in all this occurrence, is the state of my
emotional enchantment. To construct something, alongside an idea, which can be
born, generated, is not too difficult, This can be practically achieved, sooner
or later. But to induce an emotional state, the real emotional state, which has
not been a "creature" of the imagination, cannot happen without a
concrete situation. The elusiveness of this is unique, as it has been inherent
in a fraction of a second. The human thought enters and participates in it, in
the following process of "prolonging" this state. This then is no
longer "the primal" state. This means that emotional experiencing has
been the only phenomenon, a state, which has not been submitted to any possibility
of its "creation".
Does, in
this situation, any development make sense? I think, it does. There exists an
emotional experience, on every level of Consciousness. Maybe, on the higher
levels, it has taken up even a more subtle form. And maybe still new forms are
being born, which have been unknown to us, so far.
And here I
go back to the question of Mind, of the Mind which I have myself; the
comprehending of which has also been evaluating all the time. This Mind can,
when this is "given" to me, start playing a new role; the role not
consisting, exclusively, of the accumulation of the Knowledge, of encyclopedic
type (referring to the past, current times and future), or of the Knowledge of
the other Worlds. Because, what in fact results, for me, out of all this, as an
individual, apart from the Knowledge itself. This has been an important
question. So, the Knowledge just for the sake of Knowledge? But maybe I can
have an insight into it, instead of acquiring it in a conventional way. Maybe
something different must direct me (where I mean motivation), in order to
activate, in myself, for instance the "superhuman" powers. The
powers, which reveal in some men in the form of gifts, talents, unique
predispositions, as something which was not asked for, at all, in their lives.
I think that
it is worthy to trigger, in oneself, a capability of a thorough observation of
one's surroundings, without evaluation. When a question in our Minds arises:
"-Why?", it is a sign that we start "to see". But, when
finding an answer to this question, though I have an impression that it is best
to leave it unanswered, it is also worthy to look closer into the explanation,
which is being born in us, and also, where it comes from.
The Ways
through which one can go through life are numerous. One can live with
anxieties, fears, imagination of others. One can live with the sense of sin, of
which one is guilty or innocent. One may intensely try to become
"better", try to reach perfectness, Divine or any other; he can try
to improve the World, according to some imagined pattern, handed over, or
shaped within oneself. However, this imagined pattern will, anyway always be preconditioned
with the influence of the of the Surroundings, Natural environment and
centuries-old Tradition. And thus, this will be a state of constant concern,
the unconscious human uncertainty: shall I be appreciated, "at the
end"? Even if this would be only the appreciation, gained within
categories of "effective undertakings".
one can live, not deliberating any deeper upon anything, at all; and accept
everything, as it is, fighting for one's place more or less aggressively. One
may also give one's distinctiveness, individuality and uniqueness into somebody
else's hands; putting it in other words: to cede one's own internal
"imponderable", maybe not even one's own anxiety, to the Rules and
Commandments. Anyway, this is, in each case, a kind of Way (Path).There is
experience, as well as emotional experience, within this Way.
But one can
make up quite a different decision; and this does not have to have, at all,
anything in common with any alienation of oneself, from the surroundings,
where we have grown up, and where we have been now. The Way is a process, and
when we are ready, we can examine it via our own experience, alertness,
mindfulness, acuteness of our thoughts. The aim, then, would be to penetrate
the spheres , of which we have already known something, but which we have, so
far, denied or rejected, as "unreal"; or to touch the completely
unknown. So "everything", and then the understanding will occur
"on the way". We ever must grow up to the new Values. What is
important, is not to lose the internal alertness, not to close oneself in the
abstract of the Mind, and in this way, not to lose contact with the real
I have used,
in this text, a specific language to express thoughts, because it has been my
own language and it is only with this language, with which I can touch the
spaces most emotionally close to me.
October 2014
Author: Leszek Wieliczko
Translated by: Agnieszka Zell
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